XEMBTC live chart

XEMUSD live chart

NEM 2020 top performing asset YTD (>$1B)

NEM 2020
source: https://cryptorank.io/performance (Apply filter: MarketCap=1B, sort=YTD)

NEM 2020 +677% price performance

NEM 2020
source: https://cryptodiffer.com/news/

NEM 2017
source: https://cointelegraph.com/news/the-cream-of-the-crypto-crop-10-best-performing-assets-in-2017

Here's How the 10 Largest Cryptocurrencies Have Performed Year to Date

Fortune magazine, July 2017
; top crypto

Jan 2016

top 20
source: https://bithub.pl/2016s-top-cryptocurrencies/

2016 returns
date: 21 August 2016

top 20






NOWPayments - NEM

WordPress Woocommerce plugin

Woocommerce XEM Gateway
A Wordpress addon to enable your website to accept XEM payments.
XEM gateway

EC-CUBE plugin
EC-CUBE is the most popular eCommerce open source software in Japan.

NEM Notify
A Wordpress plugin that lets you monitor a NEM address and receive an email any time new payments or tips are received.
Can also be used for monitoring your delegated harvesting node.

A Wordpress plugin cryptocurrency payment gateway.

Bitcoin and Crypto (XEM) Payments for WooCommerce


Markets Update: The Top Ten Altcoins Then and Now

Top 10 Altcoins: All you wanted to know about bitcoin's contenders

Top performing altcoins in 2017

Forbes - The World's Billionaires List

Forbes - The Richest People In Cryptocurrency

Bloomberg Billionaires Index

Here is the richest person in each U.S. state

World Wealth Report

Global Wealth Report
Global Wealth Report 2017
Global Wealth Report 2018
Global Wealth Report 2019
Global Wealth Report 2020

All of the World`s Money and Markets in One Visualization

Top 1% Own Nearly 50% Of Global Wealth

Wealth shown to scale

U.S. National Debt Clock

National Debt Clocks
Money won't buy happiness, but it will pay the salaries of a large research staff to study the problem.

Bill Vaughan

I gave enough to my children so that they could do anything, but not so much as they could do nothing.

Warren Buffett (Fortune magazine article, 1986)

We owe to capital the fact that the medical profession, for example, is now really useful to mankind, whereas formerly it was useful only to the charlatans who practiced it. It took accumulated money to provide the long training that medicine began to demand as it slowly lifted itself from the level of a sorry trade to that of a dignified art and science -- money to keep the student while he studied and his teachers while they instructed him, and more money to pay for the expensive housing and materials that they needed. In the main, all that money came from private capitalists. But whether it came from private capitalists or from the common treasury, it was always capital, which is to say, it was always part of an accumulated surplus. It never could have been provided out of the hand-to-mouth income of a non-capitalistic society.

Henry Lewis Mencken (1880-1956) American writer and journalist Baltimore Evening Sun (14-Jan-1935)